In honour of your pet

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Khloe came bounding into our lives and our hearts as a 10-week old energetic pup. She loved being out in the woods with her people. She especially loved playing hide and seek. My husband and I would take turns hiding when Khloe was exploring something with the other one and then we just had to say “where’s mommy?” or “where’s daddy?” and then it was game on! Her ears would perk up and her eyes would go wide and she shot off to the last known spot and start looking for the one hiding. She found us every time!
Khloe was also known as the talking dog. She would welcome you with a polite “Hello” and if you gave her treats she would say “I love you”.
We had Khloe as a joy in our lives for 14 years. She was there when we brought our son home from the hospital and again two years later when we brought our daughter home. She was always gentle and playful with the kids. Our hearts will always miss this very special fur baby. We will always love you, Klo-Klo!!


I no longer brace when the doorbell rings to prepare myself for your barking.
I won’t be making apologies to guest about the dog hair that glittered on the floor practically daily.
I run my errands a little slower now that I don’t have to rush home to see what trouble and messes you’ve created.
But coming home isn’t the same anymore.
Now there is no giant fluffy tail wagging so sprightly and welcoming.
Now, there is devastating quietness that fills the house everyday.
And laughter and smiles aren’t coming to us easily anymore.
But most of all, I feel the devastating loss of your unconditional love.
I wish I could have spent the rest of my life with you but at least you got to spend your entire life with me.
I miss you baby boy and I know you miss me too.
Don’t worry though, I’m keeping everything you gave me. All the love, all the memories, all the comfort, all the joy and definitely all of your happiness.
Our beloved Saphira was a beautiful Great Pyrenes who joined our family at the age of 5 in 2015. She had lived in a barn, had three litters and had never been in a house until then. She learned to navigate stairs but found floors challenging. She did not do well in vehicles and could not walk on the floor at the vet. She loved to be outdoors and would not come when called. She protected her family and loved Collector, one of our cats. She barked when she heard the wind blow through leaves.
As the years passed, she developed mobility issues for which we gave her pain meds and supplements. She was stoic and gentle. At 14, she’d been part of our family for 9 years. The thought of not having her around was difficult to bear but we knew in our hearts it was the loving thing to do.
We were so very fortunate to have Dr. Linda Speizer, of KindHearted Pet Euthanasia, come to our home for Saphira. We were with Saphira as she rumbled and purred her final breaths as she laid in her familiar safe corner in front of our house. Thank you, Dr. Linda, for being there for her and making her passing so peaceful and comfortable. She is now pain free and has joined her friend who passed the same year – we miss them both terribly. Sept 28, 2010 – Oct 23, 2024

Meet our Bichon, King Louis! He definitely was king of our family.

He was a cottage-loving, squirrel-chasing big boy who loved walks and car rides. He loved treats of all kinds – homemade or store bought and managed to convince many many people to share with him!
He was loved. He is missed.
Good-bye sweet Louis.

Hercules was a middle cat. There was a younger, adorable, orange male (who got most of the attention, because he loved attention) and an older cranky cat who had health issues (and so got attention she definitely did not want). So, Herc didn’t get a lot of notice (to be fair, there were other reasons, not the least because his ‘play’ with humans often ended in a ‘playful bite’). He spent much of his day napping in an upstairs spare bedroom, but was active at night when we could hear him and his friend the orange male chasing each other around the house. On warm summer days, Hercules would join the other cats and lounge in the sunroom.
No door was closed for long to Hercules. At first, he would yowl for the door to be opened, but then learned to open doors that had lever handles. Either way, once the door was opened, Herc would enter, then almost immediately leave. Herc was very proud of his long coat and kept it in good condition. He was also a great mouser; before we had the house sealed up tighter, mice would get in once in a while, and Herc was usually the one who tracked it down (sometimes the dog helped out with the actual dispatching). In later years, in the absence of mice, Hercules would find a pen or other small object and, with a low growl, carry it to you for your approval and congratulations.
Life changed for Hercules when his friend the younger cat died suddenly of a stroke. He began to seek human attention more, and more was given. Soon, he was always in your lap or asking to be picked up and cuddled. Herc preferred to rest on your left shoulder, especially if you were stretched out in the easy chair. He took over his friend’s job as official greeter at the front door and welcomed one and all. When the older cat died from health complications, Herc got even more attention and was living life to the fullest. But all things come to an end. Hercules began eating less and less; different foods were offered to no effect. Always thin, Herc had no fat to spare. An array of drugs, SQ treatments helped for a while but advancing liver failure led to a decision to euthanize before there was too much pain. He was a good cat and he’ll be missed.
Buddy Thibodeau ~ The small and mighty king
Written by Aaron Hatty
It is with heavy hearts and a lingering scent of Timbits that we announce the passing of Buddy, aka Budford, aka homeslice, aka home skillet aka Handsome and Smart Boy. Buddy was not just any dog; he was a party dog, a fearless protector, a hater of crows (or as he liked to call them, “fucken birds”). A true gift giver, Buddy loved to bring leaves and driveway rocks in the house (to the chagrin of our bare feet) and he was the ultimate snuggle enthusiast—especially when it came to curling up right next to Mama’s butt.
He will be deeply missed by his mama, dad, and his brother and sister, Tyson and Cole.
A true adventurist, Buddy lived for long walks on New River Beach, trips to Papa’s house, coffee runs (for Timbits, of course), and late nights jamming and bobbing his head to the beat while Dad played guitar. His love of good music and even better company made him a late-night legend in the family. Buddy was also a champion floor cleaner, ensuring no fallen snack went unclaimed.
No season brought him more joy than Christmas. As soon as the stockings came out, Buddy knew one was his, and his excitement was contagious. When stocking time came, he was the happiest, wagging his tail and jumping all around, ready to dive in for Christmas treats.
Not one to shy away from danger, Buddy once chased a bear away from the yard—because no bear was going to mess with his family. His love knew no bounds, except perhaps when it came to one guy. That guy. We don’t know why, but Buddy hated him, and in true family solidarity, we decided to hate him too. So, fuck that guy.
But for all his sass and strength, Buddy was a lover, not just a fighter. He had boundless affection for his family with questionable loyalty depending on who had better snacks and when Meme came to town he would ditch us all in a heartbeat.
His absence leaves a hole in our hearts—and on his favorite chair, where he’d mess up his blankie just right for sleeping.
Buddy, you were truly one of a kind. We will forever miss you and your small but mighty spirit. Until we meet again, sweet boy. Keep dancing and barking at the birds, wherever you are.

Coco was the most beautiful greyhound I have ever seen. She had her issues, but we loved her all the same. Going to the vet was always traumatic for her, so when the time came, we were SO grateful for Dr. Linda for coming to our home so we could keep Coco relaxed and feeling safe. Coco girl, we are missing you terribly. Run free and fast, sweetie.

Tilley passed so peacefully after a long life of service and an equally wonderful retirement. Tilley loved the lake.

This picture was taken last year and is our favorite picture of him. It’s how his eyes stare at us, he looked like he wanted to imprint all of us into him. He was the best and he was our first baby. He’s so smart, knew a lot of tricks – turn, go under, roll, and so many more. He would do anything for a good treat.
He was very respectful with other dogs and he just wanted to be around humans. He loved his brother Turbo and his sister Scar. He loved tug of war but in his version of the game you had to chase him.
He loved going to his grand parents for a sleep over and walked with them in town. Visited the great grandparents’ campers and just loved going out! He loved car rides but did not like the water or getting wet in the rain outside.
We have so many great memories of him and we miss him so much – my son has been sleeping with his blanket.
We will miss Zoomer forever, especially this Christmas as he loves to sit by the Christmas tree and watch the kids open their presents.
Ducky was a special little girl right from the get go. Our daughter Megan brought her home just 12 short years ago (unannounced) to our little hobby farm. Ducky was cute as a button and looked like a tiny Shepherd puppy. I thought, oh my, she is going to be a big girl! Little did we know her legs would only grow a few inches and her body would stretch out like a Dachshund! She was the cutest albeit strangest looking girl with the most endearing personality. Her short little corgi legs did not slow her down as she could run like the wind and ALWAYS had a ball in her mouth ready to play.

She gave our family so much joy and the best memories that we will always carry forward! Anyone who met Ducky fell instantly in love with her sweet demeanor as she got along with every person and any dog. She was such a gentle soul and our family will furever miss her.
Until we meet again our sweet Ducky-Do…


Cannelle was more than just a dog; she was a cherished friend, a source of endless joy, and a loyal companion. Her gentle spirit and unwavering sweetness brought light into our lives.
We shared countless moments amidst the tranquility of the woods, whether it was a leisurely walk, an adventurous snowshoe trek, a brisk run, or a serene cross-country ski, Cannelle was always up for the adventure.
Cannelle’s passing was as peaceful as her demeanor, a gentle transition that reflected the compassion and serenity she brought to our lives. Though she may no longer be by our side, her memory lives on in every corner of our hearts.
The first cat to love ME best (most of our pets thought/think my husband is everything they need). He chose me when I first met him as an SPCA patient at the veterinary hospital. He plopped right down, started kneading my arm and purring VERY loud (so loud that I couldn’t hear his heart). He told me that he would like to go home with me and he did.
Cheeto loved to eat, sleep and purr. He would come when called (sounding like an elephant when running down the hall), and he was our official greeter when anyone came to the house.
When he died, there was a big hole in our hearts. He was much loved. – Dr Linda
We store a portion of Cheeto’s ashes in this Keepsake (Heart – Odyssey Pearl 2922H)